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9 Weird Ways to Prevent and Treat Hiking Blisters

Weird Ways to Prevent Blisters

Blisters. A hikers worst enemy.

I’ll admit, as far as hikers go, I’m usually pretty under-prepared. I don’t have the best, most expensive and most comfortable gear and I don’t think to take preventative measures against the murderous wrath of the blisters. In fact, it usually isn’t until I’m wincing in pain that I realize something has to be done about my situation and by that point, I can’t exactly just run to the store for a pack of MoleSkin (as much as I’d like to).

But even for amateur and fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants hikers like me, there is hope! There are other, weirder, ways to prevent and treat blisters. Ways that involve products you’ll probably actually own. (How convenient!)

So the second you feel that blister coming on (or before that, if you’re smarter than me) break out one of these handy products. You might look like an idiot, but your precious feet will thank you for your sacrifice.

NOTE: The best, most effective method of preventing blisters is buying good quality socks + boots. It’s a worthwhile investment! But sometimes financial and time restrictions can make that impossible for some. This post is crafted from the life experience of one of those people.



1. Chapstick

As long as your lips don’t mind sharing with your feet, this is probably the handiest blister preventing technique there is. I mean, who doesn’t carry chapstick around everywhere they go?

2. Gold Bond Powder

Typically I carry this with me to prevent my flabby inner-thighs from chaffing (particularly in shorts), but it works for your feet, too! The powder stops the friction that causes those nasty blisters.

3. Lube (for hiking blisters, don’t get it twisted)

Now, now. Let’s not get weird with this. There are plenty of reasons someone might carry around lube. One of which, you now know, is to prevent pesky blisters.

4. Duct Tape

We all saw this coming. Duct tape is most multi-purpose “tool” around, and something even the most unprepared backpackers should have on their person. Plus, it seriously works to stop blisters in their tracks. Just tape the area in which you’re most prone to blisters (or where you’re starting to develop a blister) and, voilĂ !

5. Double Socks

Two is always better than one, right? Two pizzas, two puppies, two vacations… and now, two socks. If your boots can fit them, doubling up on socks is yet another awesome way to ward off the blistys.

6. Vitamin tablets (gel)

The chances of you having this one are slim, I will grant you that, but a strange and effective method of preventing or treating blisters is applying the gel from a broken vitamin capsule to your heel or whatever area is most commonly bothered by those liquid bumps. It really works!

7. Petroleum Jelly or Rash Cream

Have ultra-dry skin? Then lucky you! You’ve probably got a jar or 2 of the ultimate blister-preventer – Vaseline. Personally, I’ve always had ultra-sensitive skin so A&D Cream is a staple in my household. It’s made for babies… and I’m kind of a giant baby when it comes to my skin.

8. Astringent or Rubbing Alcohol

One of the more obscure methods of preventing blisters is by rubbing astringent or rubbing alcohol on the effected area. How does it work? By drying out the skin in the area and preventing moisture from accumulating.  Just remember, this is a short-term preventative measure and not the most effective method.

9. Deodorant

Almost every human being you know owns deodorant, and it’s usually the first thing you pack on a backpacking excursion. So it’s only fair that I tell you that it’s useful for more than just warding off stank. It stops chaffing, controls oil in your T-zone, and yes, you guessed it – prevents blisters.

NOTE: Gel deodorant is the most effective.


Tried one of my ‘genius’ methods? Or have a weird blister treatment of your own? Let me know down below!

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